Winter is Coming

At first, the signs were subtle, only noticeable to those who pay attention to such things. Flowers had begun to wither, the tomatoes that had ripened to a rich redness the previous month struggled to shift beyond a pallid green, and the familiar calls of the birds of summer waned. No one seemed to pay … Continue reading Winter is Coming

The Stable

This body, this body holding meBe my reminder here that I am not alone in-Daniel Carey/Adam Jones You shovel waste they tell her, laughing. That's all you're good for. Like a dying star taking one final gasp before its imminent collapse into blackness, she thinks as she tends to the muck. And they are actually … Continue reading The Stable

No, it’s not a Happy Pill

"I think you are misunderstanding the purpose of anti-depressants," I replied. "They are not happy pills." Everyone feels sadness from time to time, or so I suppose. This can be temporary, or can continue to arise if the situations that are the cause of it continue, or reappear. However, such situations do not exist all … Continue reading No, it’s not a Happy Pill